A Leader of Sea Burials & Ashes Scattered At Sea in Long Beach CA
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Public and Military Scattering of Ashes At Sea

USGC Certified CRD# 889

Funerals at Sea

Dear Pat, On behalf of my family, I want to thank you very much for a good scattering of ashes service and for the extraordinary experience we had yesterday in Long Beach. The bouquet of flowers were very much appreciated as well and that made it more special. You become part of a memory that we will always remember. You and Sean did an efficient and professional service of scattering the ashes that was beautiful! You made it easier for is. With gratitude, ~Cristina and Maricris [More Reviews >>]
Funerals at Sea, Long Beach, CA

Here at The Angeles Ashes, we provide our clients with a wide range of funeral at sea services. we understand that any memorial ceremony is one that should be handled with love and respect, and we want to ensure that you and your loved ones are completely happy with our services. Usually, family members want to be on board the yacht for a beautiful day at sea in loving respect as a celebration of life for the deceased. Our yacht accompanies up to 20 people comfortably. Please don’t hesitate to give our team a call today and we will get your funeral at Sea organized for you!

The Funeral At Sea Process

The day usually goes like this: We meet at a pre-selected location to take care of the necessary paperwork. We then walk to the boat, board, get comfortable and have a short talk about the vessel, safety issues, and the plan for the day. I then take care of the ashes by placing them into a basket and covering them with an attached cloth and flower petals. As we leave the dock, you are waited on with refreshments and snacks and all your needs attended to. No one ever gets seasick as we slowly make our way to a beautiful spot, that is calm, and with no boating traffic. There, the twin diesel engines are shut off as we peacefully drift on the ocean throughout the burial ceremony.

The scattering of ashes takes place either from the foredeck or the aft deck depending on the weather or desires of those present. At this point in time prayers are usually said before we enter the ashes into the sea.

Sometimes family member like to participate in the lowering of the ashes into the sea. As the ashes scatter, each family member tosses flower petals into the sea usually accompanied by their own individual prayers.

The Last Watch - A Meaningful and Memorable Moment

The final moment of honoring the deceased is the ringing of the ship’s bell 8 times for “the last watch”. This is a very emotional time with the release of our grief at the final resting place. Family members usually tell stories of the deceased and how they impacted their lives. Sometimes a family likes to have a “toast” in this celebration of the loved one’s life. We eventually depart, circle the flowers, and head back to the dock. There never is a “rush” as I really want all present to remember the absolute beauty of this day. Some companies charge you for “extra” time or have a pre-set “time limit”. The Angel’s Ashes does not believe in this practice and will make sure you get all the time you need with this very special moment.

Upon departing, many families chose to have a memorial lunch. If you desire this, I make the reservations and drop you off at a restaurant that will give you private dining on the water, a special menu, your own server, and a discount on your meal. If you chose to make other arrangements, I can assist with restaurant choices, directions, discounts, or other desired services. Most parties chose the early morning times as it is calmer at sea, but any time of day or day of the week can be selected.

Be careful here as well, for many companies charge you more if you chose to do the burial at sea on a weekend. Honestly, most families need to have the service on a weekend for in many cases family members fly in or need to get off work for the occasion and can only do that on a weekend. The Angel’s Ashes would never expect a larger donation because of the day of the week that is most convenient for you to bury the deceased. I personally believe this is a very “cold” business practice by many companies.

Let Us Ease Your Burden with Our Funerals at Sea Services

The entire ceremony from the time we meet until the time we return takes about two hours. We understand that this is a difficult time for you, so we will make the funeral process as easy as possible. The only things you need to bring with you are the ashes, the burial permit, and the confidence that this will be a wonderful occasion. All our ceremonies are recorded on a Memorial Certificate which is sent to a designated family member. This is usually the family member who has the legal right of disposition of ashes. The Memorial Certificate honoring the loved one contains the exact date and time of the burial at sea ceremony along with the exact location of the ashes (Latitude and Longitude). For any more questions you may have about funerals at sea services, call us at 714 393-9999, or use our online contact form.

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