A Leader of Sea Burials & Ashes Scattered At Sea in Long Beach CA
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Public and Military Scattering of Ashes At Sea

USGC Certified CRD# 889

Ashes Scattered At Sea

Pat and Sean, Thank you for making our parents and our day special. We are very grateful, and we will always remember what you have done. Have a great day. ~Marla [More Reviews >>]
Ashes Scattered at Sea, Long Beach, CA

Here at The Angel’s Ashes, we offer a range of burial at sea services including the scattering of ashes at sea. We understand that each and every memorial service needs to be custom designed to suit the requests and wants of all involved, including that of your deceased loved one. We will work side by side with you to ensure that we provide you with services that will be honorable and respectful, while showing the utmost love. We offer both single scattering of ashes and multiple scattering of ashes services.

Single Scattering of Ashes

It is actually legal in the State of California to mail the ashes directly to me via parcel post if you cannot attend the burial service from the boat or view from shore. In this case, Registered Mail is recommended with you telling the Postmaster of the contents. Please use a ‘return receipt” and label the box CREMATED REMAINS. When I receive the ashes, it is required by state law that I must dispose of the ashes within 60 days. Typically, the ceremony is set to take place within 10 days.

It is unique to The Angel’s ashes that again, we treat the loved one with the same loving respect as we would when family members are present. We contact the family members as to the exact date and time the burial at sea will take place, perform the same ceremony, and accommodate any family member wishing to attend even at the last moment. In all our ceremonies, the exact latitude and longitude of the burial site and time of entering of the ashes is recorded. A Memorial Certificate with this information is mailed to a designated family member.

Multiple Scattering of Ashes

Unfortunately, and sadly, some die without immediate family. Or family members chose for the Crematorium to dispose of the ashes. To make this the most affordable for the Crematorium, ashes are collected and stored separately by the Crematorium then disposed of by the chosen licensed professional. The Angel’s Ashes will not mix the ashes of two individuals unless asked to do so specifically by a family member. This has happened when a son or daughter has the ashes of both parents for example and wants them to be entered together.

When we have been given multiple ashes from a Crematorium, we treat the deceased in the same loving manner as with all our services. We will not scatter the ashes at one burial site. This is a very common practice with most companies. The Angel’s Ashes instead, performs a separate ceremony at different burial sites chosen for each individual. If a family member can be contacted, we will send them a letter describing the burial at sea ceremony along with a Memorial Certificate. For the Crematoriums, we pick up the ashes for their convenience and will only accept a donation if is less than what they are used to paying their vendor.

Ashes Scattered at Sea: What does this service include?

The Angel’s Ashes memorial burial services are extremely unique. In summary, these include:

  • No cost for any of our services
  • A yacht owned, cared for, and operated by the owner not as a business
  • Multiple departure locations for this single yacht including a private mooring on Catalina Island
  • “Live” music by a professional Classical Guitarist
  • Private dining with discounts
  • No “extra” charges such as the day of the week
  • No time limits
  • Individual burial sites for multiple scatterings
  • A loving entering of the ashes by a flower covered basket
  • The ringing of the ship’s bell for “The Last Watch”

Our clients have been expressing contentment on how we make a rather sad moment in their lives beautiful with how we conduct ash scattering services. We will be honored to bring to you the same kind of service during your time of grief. Please don’t hesitate to contact us today here at The Angel’s Ashes on 714-393-999 and we will assist you in making your loved ones memorial service one that will honor them with love and respect!

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