A Leader of Sea Burials & Ashes Scattered At Sea in Long Beach CA
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Public and Military Scattering of Ashes At Sea

USGC Certified CRD# 889

Community Involvement

Dear Patrick, I do hope your rotator cuff has healed and you can go back to playing your guitar. We would have loved to hear you play at sea...how special is that! Thankfully, Sean was able to solve my problem by assuring the play list I had hoped to play connected to your equipment and saved the day. My equipment was left in the ca mistakenly and realized it just as we pulled offshore. Every part of the celebration of life Keith was uniquely special and oh so beautiful. The set up with your roses and our extra flowers was so perfect. The glo of the ashes in the water was dreamlike. Of course it was initially difficult to say good bye but comforting knowing Keith is now part of the ocean. Waves coming to shore now have a new meaning. Thank you so very much Patrick and Sean for creating such a glorious and dignified celebration of life for Keith and Kristi especially. All of us onboard were very much moved we shared on your yacht 'Orion'. Thank you for your professionalism and thoughtfulness ton create an unforgettable afternoon with respect to Keith and Kristi and our friends bound together with mutual love. Sincerely, ~Nancy [More Reviews >>]

"I saw God's hands working here when I was searching online for this service because I was actually typing in another company that the Mortuary had given us to use, but your website was all I could find. I tried and over again to find the company that I was referred to but again, your website was all I could find. I got the message to listen to God and call you. He was right as He always is that you were who we should use for mom's burial at sea and so I called you and booked a reservation. When I went back in to show my children your site and what you provide for loved ones, the other sites reappeared. Isn't it awesome the way God works?"

Isn’t that an amazing letter? Its letters like these that make us feel good (a little ‘pat-on-the-back’) and gives us direction in how we proceed to help others.

In our daily Ministry we seek to give to our clients as much as we can by 1. Providing for you as many free services as possible. Unlike anyone else in this industry, we give: Free food, free drinks, and three dozen roses to every family we work with for the ceremony itself. During a difficult time, we try to ease your burden. It saddens us to daily witness our competitors charging for everything they can possibly imagine. In my heart, how could I possibly justify charging you for a Coca Cola? 2. Not charging you for such things as taxes, harbor fees, or more should you select to go out in an afternoon or on a weekend. This should be a time where I believe we should absorb some costs and not take advantage of someone when they are grieving and vulnerable. 3. Not telling you when we are going out and thus for you to plan around our schedule. We believe that we should do everything at your convenience. Again, unlike most in the industry, we go out any time of day, any day of the week. 4. Letting you customize everything: We do not have a specific location to go to. We let you pick the spot where you are most comfortable. There is no ‘set’ service. The entire service is planned with you as we book your outing. 5. Not inventing ways for you to spend more. For example, we would be the only company that does not charge you for doing multiple sets of ashes. Two sets are the same cost to us as one. 6. Going the extra mile. Behind the scenes, I write letters to the mortuary, crematorium, and to you about the service we provided. I also mail to you a beautiful Memorial Certificate that can be framed. I also take care of the legal paperwork and all State requirements. 7. Provide you with the nicest, most comfortable, safest vessel around. We have customized everything on our gorgeous yacht and spent over $50,000 to make her USCG Certified for your safety. 8. Assure you that we are operating legally and following every regulation by the USCG and Long Beach Marina. We are the only non-profit to offer these services. We follow the USCG request to report all illegal charters to them.

With the same philosophy in establishing our sister company, The Last Watch, we seek ways to 'give back'.

Here is a partial list of some of those companies we are involved with and contribute to their wonderful causes. This may be in the form of volunteering to help them or by giving financial support:

Crosspoint Church
The Heart of Sailing
Giving Children Hope
Chick-fil-A, 'Pay-it-Forward'
The Orange County Rescue Mission/ Village of Hope
Mary’s Kitchen
Yorba Linda Friends Church Food Pantry
Emergency Missionary Services
Children Around the World
The Festival of Arts, Laguna Beach
Two Harbors 4th of July Celebration, Catalina Island
Nehemiah Vision Ministries
The USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies
Mission of Hope, Haiti
Environmental Nature Center, Newport Beach
KECK Graduate Institute Scholarship
City of Brea War Memorial
Chapman University
Avalon Bagel, ‘Pay-it-Forward’
The American Legion Yacht Club, Newport Beach
American Legion Post 291, Newport Beach
City of Hope
Catalina Island Mooring Services
Friends Community Church
USC Marine Institute, Catalina Island

Just as we influence others, we wish to reward those who show the same heart as us. Many more acts of kindness can be guaranteed through our foundation.

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