A Leader of Sea Burials & Ashes Scattered At Sea in Long Beach CA
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Public and Military Scattering of Ashes At Sea

USGC Certified CRD# 889


The Angel's Ashes Thank you for honoring our sister Rita in the way that you did. It was done in a very respectful way. Thank you, ~Georg and Krista [More Reviews >>]

We are very proud of how we perform a burial ceremony. We want to do anything we can to please you and show honor and love for your loved one. We have created a beautiful basket with a cover and lining. Typically, we place the ashes in the basket, cover them, and decorate the basket with roses and rose petals. When the family is ready, we gently lower the basket into the water. The flowers spread across the ocean’s surface. Then we lower the basket deeper into the water and tilt it to dispose of the ashes. What you will see is a beautiful, light-reflecting ‘Ash Cloud’. This service is now performed from the aft deck as it is safer and more comfortable.

There are variations. Some families of different cultures may request an alternative method which is fine. We review the request and honor and respect all cultures. We have had some unusual requests such as dropping a fishing pole into the water, setting the ashes adrift on a model boat then sinking the boat, firing a rocket containing the ashes, or releasing butterflies during the ceremony and will do our best to honor your request. There may be legal restrictions which we have to abide by. If you have a biodegradable urn, we often place it in the basket or spread the flowers separately.

We perform the burial ceremonies for both the general public and the Military. We can make all of the arrangements for full Military Honors if you desire to have that. With Military funerals, we also ring the ship’s bell 8 times signifying ‘The Last Watch’ at the end of the ceremony and circle the ashes several times for better viewing, contemplation, and pictures. Then we slowly head back to the dock. Please call us so that we may be honored by providing you with the best in Sea Burial Services.

Our Video shows the ceremony being performed from the fore-deck. We now only perform the scattering-of-ashes at sea from the aft-deck. This gives you better viewing and is safer and more comfortable.


Areas we service: From Laguna Beach to Palos Verdes including Catalina Island.

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